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AI 2023: The Leading Names in Artificial Intelligence.

Written by Donna | Feb 9, 2024 1:32:24 PM

In the flourishing forest of artificial intelligence in North America, a magnificent troop of business moguls and investment virtuosos has emerged. Shining like stars, these profiles are worth keeping a vigilant eye on according to Dagens Industri.

Dario and Daniel Amodei - CEO and Chief Operating Officer of Anthropic, respectively.

The company was founded in 2021 by former employees of OpenAI who wanted to focus on developing artificial intelligence with the right values. It has received financial backing from, among others, Amazon and Alphabet. Recently launched a new version of the language model Claude, a competitor to OpenAI's GPT-4.

Sam Altman - CEO of OpenAI.

The public face not only for his own company and the updated language model GPT-4 but for the entire AI sector in the USA. Regarded as an advocate for rapid commercialization, he has also urged Congress to ensure that the regulation of the sector keeps pace with technological advancements. Recently won a well-publicized and tumultuous power struggle with his own board.


Demis Hassabis - CEO of Google DeepMind.

One of the founders behind DeepMind, which was acquired by Google in 2014. Has been overseeing all of Alphabet's AI development since a restructuring last spring. This includes work on the language model Gemini, which has not been launched but is intended to compete with, among others, GPT-4. Like Sam Altman, he has argued for more regulation but has been accused of wanting to shut out competitors.


Aiden Gomez - Co-founder and CEO of Cohere.

A Toronto-based company focusing on tools to implement AI solutions in existing products such as search engines. Recently valued at $2 billion, or 22 billion SEK, in a funding round that included semiconductor giant Nvidia.


Mustafa Suleyman - Co-founder and CEO of Inflection AI.

One of the founders behind DeepMind, who changed course and founded Inflection with star investor Reid Hoffman. Launched the chatbot Pi earlier this year, serving as a personal assistant. Reportedly holds over 22,000 of Nvidia's coveted AI chips, H100. Financially backed by, among others, Microsoft.

Sources: Dagens Industri