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Al Gore: I am here to recruit you.

Written by Donna | Feb 27, 2024 12:48:38 PM

The air at Friends Arena is charged with an almost electric tension. Everyone is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to hear the world's most powerful climate activist, Al Gore, who in recent years has raised his voice even louder for the green transition. It's as if every breath is filled with anticipation for the inspiring message that will soon be conveyed from the stage. When Gore steps onto the stage to applause, he quickly notes that he once again finds himself in one of his favorite cities:

"I love Stockholm, I love Sweden," he exclaims to the moderator Linda Nyberg and shares memories from his visit many years ago when he woke up to the sound of a Lucia. The question is whether the former vice president could ever imagine returning to this city to continue his work of inspiring and mobilizing people to combat the climate crisis. With a smile on his face and a hint of nostalgia in his eyes, the audience listens eagerly to what is about to unfold.

An optimistic climate activist.

Gore's presence fills the room with an energy that is hard to ignore, and the audience can barely contain their excitement to hear his inspiring words about the climate crisis and the necessary transition. With an impressive voice, gestures like few others, and rhetoric that only an experienced American business leader can deliver, Gore painted an inspiring and forward-looking picture of how we can collectively address the necessary transformation. With each word filled with commitment and conviction, he created a sense of hope and possibility in the face of the significant challenge we are confronting. His words served as a guide toward a better and more sustainable future, and his charismatic presence on stage captivated the audience, inspiring action. Through every gesture and choice of words, he wove together a narrative of a world where together we can make a difference and save our planet from the ominous climate crisis.

If we manage to turn the tide and achieve net-zero emissions, we can still save our future.

"There is still hope. If we manage to turn the tide and achieve net-zero emissions, we can save our future," he explained.

It's a message he has conveyed on the world stage for over 20 years. But has there been any change since he started?

"Enormous progress has been made," he noted, while pointing out that the crisis has escalated even faster.

Gore emphasized the importance of not losing momentum in the fight against the climate crisis. He called for increased speed and intensity in our efforts to save the planet. With a passionate voice and a convincing tone, he underscored that every second counts and that we must act now.

"We need to wake up and truly accelerate our efforts, move faster," he emphasized with a powerful voice. Gore was clear that there is no time to hesitate or delay—only through a swift and powerful response can we effectively address the growing climate crisis.

Gore dedicates a significant portion of his time to recruiting passionate individuals, whom he refers to as "grassroots," to his own foundation, The Climate Reality Project. By encouraging and mobilizing these grassroots activists, he aims to spread knowledge and commitment to combat the climate crisis. This strategy is a central part of his efforts to build a strong and sustainable movement for change. By engaging people at the local level, he wants to inspire action and create a broader understanding of the challenges we face in saving the planet.

"I am here to recruit you, I am deadly serious! We need your help! I know that many of the tech-savvy women and men in the audience are already working on solutions. We need you, so come and help us!"


I'm so tired of these companies fighting for a future that is dreadful.

Already has the solutions needed.

Gore points out that we already have the technology in solar and wind power that can enable us to reach the goal within the next seven years – provided that we truly want to. He emphasizes that powerful lobbying efforts from the fossil fuel industry work against this goal, but by embracing and actively using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, we can expedite the transition to a more sustainable energy supply and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

"I'm so tired of these companies fighting for a future that is dreadful. They do it at the local, national, and global levels," he says.

At the same time, world politics indicates an uneven distribution of capital that must be changed, where green investments in developing countries are more expensive to implement than, for example, here in Europe.

"The World Bank must step in and ensure that we achieve sustainable energy production development in all parts of the world," he adds.

Praising Biden.

In response to a question about how he views climate deniers who vehemently claim that there is no climate crisis, Gore responded firmly, once again pointing to the fossil fuel industry and the major emitters worldwide as the primary deniers. He emphasized that these opinions do not arise spontaneously but are carefully orchestrated by opponents who work hard to prevent necessary changes. With a clear voice and passionate tone, he stressed that it is unacceptable to ignore the warnings from science that up to 50 percent of Earth's species are at risk of extinction if we do not act quickly and effectively to stop the climate crisis. Gore called for action and emphasized that it is crucial for us to listen to research and take responsibility for saving our planet.

"These opinions don't just arise. It's orchestrated by an opponent who fiercely fights against change. How can we hear scientists say that 50 percent of the species on Earth are at risk of extinction without doing anything about it? It's incomprehensible."

But he remains optimistic about the future. He mentioned that part of his optimism stems from the rapid technological advancements and the potential that AI can bring. Al Gore emphasized that the accelerating technological development opens up new innovations and solutions in the climate field. By integrating artificial intelligence into climate research and energy transition, he sees an opportunity to streamline processes, optimize resource utilization, and create sustainable systems on a global scale. He believes that AI can be an invaluable resource in the fight against the climate crisis, and we should embrace this technology to expedite our transition to a greener and more sustainable future.

Gore continued to underscore the importance of rapid technological development, emphasizing that we have only scratched the surface of its potential. He highlighted that the exponential growth in the field of technology is one of the most impressive in human history and that we now have the tools to bring about real change.

It is the fastest development of a technology in human history.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to pay tribute to the current President of the United States, Joe Biden, for his determination and leadership in promoting sustainability, energy transition, and the development of green industries. Biden and his administration have taken significant steps towards advancing an ambitious climate agenda and implementing policies that foster a more sustainable future for both the USA and the rest of the world. Al Gore argued that Biden's initiatives, such as the historic climate plan IRA, signal a new era of commitment and action to effectively and responsibly address the climate crisis.

"The climate initiative IRA being undertaken during his tenure is the largest any country has ever made, and it is a crucial signal."

Humanity stands at a crossroads.

We must now demonstrate if we are capable of saving ourselves. We have shown in the past that as humanity, we can rise, and now is the time. We must reach net-zero and stop using the air as a sewer. There is no alternative," Gore emphasized. These are some of Gore's key points that he believes make a difference. He stresses that we are currently at a crucial juncture where every individual, company, and country must take responsibility and act to save our planet. It's about making collective choices that promote sustainability and the preservation of our environment to ensure a secure and healthy planet for all of us.

"We must now show whether we are capable of saving ourselves. We have demonstrated in the past that as humanity, we can rise, and now is the time. We must reach net-zero and stop using the air as a sewer. There is no alternative."