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Friendbase's Patient Pals project accepted into Digitalwell Ventures Accelerator

Friendbase, the innovative platform fostering social connections, has achieved a significant milestone with its Patient Pals project. We are thrilled to announce that Patient Pals has been accepted into the prestigious Digitalwell Ventures accelerator program, a move that promises exciting developments for the project and its future impact.

After a dynamic summer filled with a mix of experiences and growth, this acceptance marks a pivotal moment for Friendbase. The Digitalwell Ventures program is known for its strong network within the health sector, making it an ideal environment to elevate Patient Pals to new heights. This opportunity aligns perfectly with Friendbase's mission to enhance social interaction, particularly within healthcare settings.

Friendbase's participation in the accelerator has two primary objectives. The first is to evaluate whether Patient Pals should evolve into a separate entity, possibly as a foundation, or remain within Friendbase AB as a project. Both pathways offer unique advantages, and the upcoming weeks will be dedicated to exploring these options thoroughly. Rest assured, they will keep the community updated on the progress and final decision.

The second goal is to secure a pilot project with a hospital or another caregiving organization. With the support and extensive connections offered by Digitalwell Ventures, we are optimistic about establishing a meaningful partnership that will enable Patient Pals to make a tangible difference in the lives of patients and caregivers.

This is a  incredible achievement for Friendbase. The potential to redefine social interaction in healthcare settings is immense, and they are confident that this journey with Digitalwell Ventures will be transformative. The official announcement of this exciting development will be made in September when the program commences, and we look forward to sharing more updates as the project progresses.

Source: DigitalWell Ventures