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Meet the unemployment of the future: The impact of AI.

Written by Donna | Feb 12, 2024 3:45:20 PM

A curse or a blessing? The question of technological advancement is at the heart of an intense debate raging on the future job market. The progress of technology casts its shadows over traditional jobs, sparking a battle over its impact on the workforce. Routine jobs disappear, while commendable new opportunities emerge – but for whom? Is it truly a future where everyone wins, or does danger lurk behind every technological advancement?

The dynamics of the job market are undergoing a fundamental transformation as robots and AI programs become increasingly sophisticated and capable of performing tasks that were previously reserved for humans. It is a development that can be seen as both a curse and a blessing, depending on which side of the coin one finds themselves on. The effects of AI can be likened to a lottery with uneven chances of winning. Some come out as winners, while others find themselves in a sweaty dance of adaptation on the job market's blazing floor.

For employees at risk of being replaced by AI technology, it can be a frightening time. Jobs that once required human intelligence and skills can now be carried out by machines in a more efficient and faster manner. Routine and repetitive tasks are particularly at risk. This may lead to large groups of employees facing uncertainty and the risk of unemployment. However, it's not only the traditional "press a button" jobs that are in jeopardy. Accountants, administrators, and even journalists are at risk of being caught in the crossfire of automation.

At the same time, AI technology can also be seen as an opportunity and a blessing for the job market. By automating certain tasks, companies and organizations can free up time and resources to focus on more value-creating and creative activities. A concrete example is that AI language models can effectively eliminate mundane code writing, increasing the demand for those who can handle and control AI technology. This could lead to the creation of new jobs and opportunities in the development and management of AI technology. Moreover, it may provide room for a better work environment and work-life balance for employees as they can delegate certain tasks to AI systems.

Goldman Sachs raises the alarm, warning that up to 300 million full-time positions hang in the balance in the shadow of advancing artificial intelligence. For Sachs, these are not just numbers – it is a warning that people's well-being and livelihoods are at stake. Meanwhile, as a counterpoint to the dystopia, the World Economic Forum looks ahead and proclaims that 97 million new jobs will emerge from AI and automation by 2025. This vision represents a potential salvation in the technological twilight where the future job market is at stake, and each created position brings us a step closer to a potentially brighter tomorrow.

Source: World Economic Forum