Insights | KapitaGroup

From Discarded to Reused - ZPARK, CHALMERS, EINRIDE, and RISE Join Forces

Written by Donna | Feb 20, 2024 2:06:47 PM

Zpark Energy Systems announces an exciting collaboration with Einride, Chalmers University of Technology, and RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) to explore innovative business models in electric vehicles and charging solutions. The project, supported by FFI (Strategic Vehicle Research & Innovation), has been underway since Q3 2022 and is expected to continue until early 2025. The focus of the project is to explore the use of retired batteries from electric vehicles as stationary energy storage systems to charge heavy electric trucks. The goal is to enhance cost-effectiveness in the electrified transportation system and reduce the strain on the electrical grid.

Ellinor Eriksson, project coordinator at Zpark Energy Systems, enthusiastically shared her visions, stating:

"Our goal is to improve cost-effectiveness in the electrified transportation system while relieving the electrical grid by giving used vehicle batteries a new chance."

Considering the significant contribution of the transportation sector to carbon emissions in Sweden, increased circularity becomes crucial to achieving climate goals. The project will be implemented in three phases, with Zpark establishing a full-scale stationary battery charging station powered by LFP batteries in their second life phase.

Andreas Allström, Director of Public Financing and Research Collaboration at Einride, emphasized sustainability as the core of their operations.

"We are excited to be part of this collaboration that highlights the life cycle of batteries in our vehicles. The project aligns with our efforts to increase efficiency and reduce costs in electric freight mobility," he commented.

Chalmers University of Technology looks forward to participating in the research on the electrification of the transportation system and the handling of recycled vehicle batteries, according to Patricia van Loon, a lecturer at Chalmers. The project, partially funded by FFI, started in Q3 2022 and is expected to conclude in early 2025. As the transportation industry moves towards a more sustainable future, this collaboration represents a significant step forward in using retired vehicle batteries for a greener and more efficient electric transportation system.

Source: TidningenProffs